1 God help you in every passing hour,
And keep you pure and true,
And strengthen you with heav’nly power,
The work of life to do.
God keep you true, God keep you true,
Whatever voice may call to you;
Where’er you go, whate’er you do,
God keep you pure and true.
2 O may His Spirit be your shield,
His hand point out the way—
May you a true obedience yield,
And follow day by day. [Refrain]
3 The tempter seeks to lure astray
And softly calls to you;
God keep you in the narrow way,
And help you to be true. [Refrain]
4 God help you thro’ the years of life
To keep the crown in view,
And in the griefs and toil and strife
Be ever strong and true. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16353