1 God gives peace when the roar of the tempest is high;
Earth can never disturb when our Savior is nigh;
God gives peace that can never be taken away:
Peace, sweet peace is our portion when all things decay.
Peace, sweet peace, O ye angels, sing on!
Peace, sweet peace, send the message along!
Peace, like a dove, ‘round the world wing on,
Peace, sweet peace, peace.
2 God gives peace to the toiler who garners the grain;
God gives peace to the martyr and grace for the pain;
God gives peace when the soul is confronting its foes,—
Oh, how sweet is the peace which our Father bestows. [Chorus]
3 Help some sorrowing soul to the Fountain of peace;
Bring some sin-burdened one to the Lord for release;
Bravely follow in service where’er Jesus leads:
God gives freely the peace that the world ever needs. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School Voices, No.2 #30