1 God forbid that I should glory only in the cross of Christ,
Only in the lowly Jesus by the high and proud despised;
Nor shall any fond ambition turn my heart from Him away,
I shall know no one but Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ev'ry day.
None but Jesus crucified, Jesus Christ Who for me died;
I shall know no one but Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ev'ry day.
2 God forbid that I should glory in a life of pleasure gay,
May my Saviour's face before me turn me e'er from such away.
If I lose today's vain pleasure, O my Saviour, all for Thee,
Thou, I know, wilt well repay me in Thy vast eternity.
None but Jesus crucified, Jesus Christ Who for me died;
I shall know no one but Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ev'ry day.
3 God forbid that I should glory only in the daily cross,
For the prize that's set before me I would count all else but loss.
Friends and kindred, earthly honor, wealth and ease I all would flee,
Take my cross and daily follow Thee, my Saviour, only Thee.
None but Jesus crucified, Jesus Christ Who for me died;
I shall know no one but Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ev'ry day.
Source: His Fullness Songs #54