1 God cares! How sweet the strain!
My aching heart and weary brain
Are rested by the glad refrain,—
He cares, our Father cares!
He cares, I know He cares!
It shields me from the tempter’s snares,
When I remember Father cares;
It quickens faith, inspires my pray’rs,
To know my Father cares!
2 God cares! O sing the song
In lonely spot, amid the throng;
‘Twill make the way less hard and long,—
He cares, our Father cares!
God cares, He surely cares! [Chorus]
3 God cares! The words so sweet
My lips and life shall e’er repeat,
My burdens all left at His feet,—
God cares, He always cares!
God cares, He ever cares! [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #127