1 Go ye, serve your Lord,
Wheresoe’er He leads you,
For the Master needs you;
Go ye, heed His word,
Hearken to the kingly call.
In the ranks there is room,
For the helpers tried and true;
And the Kind, and the King,
Has a task that none but you can do.
In the ranks there is room,
And your strength He will renew;
Then obey His call, ‘mid His helpers all,
There’s room for you.
2 Go ye, in His name,
Dreary skies to brighten,
Heavy loads to lighten;
Go ye, joy proclaim,
Hearken to the kingly call. [Refrain]
3 Go ye, tell His love,
Tell of Him who sought you,
Who from wand’ring brought you;
Praise ye God above,
Hearken to the kingly call. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #96