1 Go ye, said the Saviour, into all the world,
Preach the gospel of His saving grace;
Till His glorious banner there shall be unfurled
Over ev'ry clime and race.
Go and preach the word
Unto souls astray;
Lead them to the Lord,
Save one today.
2 Tell the simple story of the Saviour's birth,
How "His own" the Christ would not receive;
Bear the news to all the nations of the earth,
Tell them that they must believe! [Chorus]
3 Tell how, on the cross, His precious blood He shed,
How the temple's vail in twain was rent;
'Twas to save from sin He came forth from the grave,
Tell them that they must repent! [Chorus]
4 Tell the world that Christ now reigns enthroned above,
Go proclaim the coming judgment day;
All who here would share the fullness of His love,
Must His blest commands obey! [Chorus]
Source: The New Wonderful Songs for Work and Worship #98