1 Go through the gates ('tis God commands)
Workers with God, the charge obey,
Remove whate'er his work withstands,
Prepare, prepare his people's way.
2 Lift up for all mankind to see
The standard of their Saviour god,
And point them to the shameful tree,
The cross all stain'd with hallow'd blood.
3 Sion, thy suffering Prince behold,
Thy Saviour and Salvation too,
He comes, he comes, so long foretold,
Cloth'd in a vest of bloody hue.
4 Himself prepares his people's hearts,
Breaks and binds up, and wounds and heals,
A mystic death and life imparts,
Empties the full, the emptied fills.
5 He fills whom first he hath prepar'd,
With him all needful grace is given,
Himself is here their great reward,
Their future and their present heaven.
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #549