1 Go, friends of Jesus, and proclaim
The kind Redeemer you have found;
And speak his ever precious name,
To all the wond'ring nations round.
2 Go, tell the unletter'd, wretched slave,
Who groans beneath a tyrant's rod,
You bring a pardon bought with blood,
The blood of an incarnate God.
3 Go, tell the panting, sable chief
On Ethiopia's scorching sand,
You come with a refreshing stream,
To cheer and bless his thirsty land.
4 Go, tell the distant isles afar,
Of Otaheite and Pelew,
That in the covenant of grace,
Their unknown names are written too.
5 Go tell, on India's golden shores,
Of a rich treasure, more refin'd;
And tell them, tho' they'll scarce believe,
You come, the friend of human kind.
6 Say, the religion you profess
Is all benevolence and love;
And by its own divine effects,
Its heavenly origin will prove.
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #543