1 Go forth and tell the whole wide world,
With a purpose true and brave,
The truth, and nothing but the truth,
And Jesus’ pow’r to save.
Go forth, the Lord is with thee,
His arms are underneath thee;
Fear not, for He’ll protect thee,
Go forth in Jesus’ name.
2 Go forth and tell the whole wide world,
With a heart that will not quail,
Though men and demons gather ’round,
Thy efforts to assail. [Refrain]
3 Go forth and tell the whole wide world,
With a soul that knows no fear,
A message that will bless and burn,
Destroy and build and cheer. [Refrain]
4 Go forth and tell the whole wide world,
With a love that’s broad and deep,
The truth, and nothing but the truth,
And Christ thy soul will keep. [Refrain]
Source: Timeless Truths #84