1 Go fight the fight with all thy might
For Christ is with thee ever;
Go meet the foe arrayed below
For He will leave thee never.
Be brave and strong to fight the wrong,
And waver not nor falter,
And thine shall be the victory
That naught can change or alter.
2 Be not afraid tho’ plots be laid
To hold thee in derision,
Thy Christ wilt guide what ere betide,
And strengthen thy decision.
Then up and speak however weak,
Denouncing sin unspairing—
Faint not nor fear for He is near
To keep thee from despairing.
3 Be oft in prayer and ne’er despair
Tho’ life be dark and dreary;
Live pure and strong, turn from the wrong,
Faint not however weary.
When tempted sore His grace implore,
And lose the vict’ry never,
For thou at last, the danger past,
Wilt dwell with Him forever.
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 4 #104