1 Go bravely forth to battle
Ye soldiers of the Lord,
Fear not, for ye shall conquer
Through His almighty word.
Then bravely forth to battle,
In this, God’s holy strife,
And he that overcometh,
Shall gain the crown of life.
2 The Lord Himself will lead you,
Shall arm you for the fight,—
‘Gainst every foe sustain you,
And shield you by His might. [Refrain]
3 Leave not the path of duty,
And none can bring you harm,
For God to shield His faithful,
Makes bare His mighty arm. [Refrain]
4 And, though his “name is legion,”
The foe shrinks back with shame,
Before the feeblest Christian
Who fights in Jesus’ name. [Refrain]
Source: Christian Endeavor Edition of Sacred Songs No. 1 #253