1 Go and let my grave be made--
Tired and weary now with straying,
Farewell to the earth I've said,
Heaven's call to peace obeying:
Calls me now the happy rest
Of the angels eve blest.
2 Therefore, earth, farewell I say,
False the hopes from thee we borrow!
Let me now in peace away--
E'en thy very joy is sorrow;
Fleeting is thy beauty's glow,
Vain deceit and empty show!
3 Fare ye well, beloved friends!
Ye whose tears so fast are flowing;
God for all will make amends,
For our griefs are His bestowing:
Mourn not joys that ne'er endure,
Heavenly joys alone are sure.
4 Weep not--lo! my Savior there,
Mercy to my soul revealing;
I, too, have obtained a share
In His heart's deep wounds so healing,
Whence the holy fountain streamed
Which this sinful world redeemed.
5 Weep not--my Redeemer lives--
High above dark earth ascending,
Hope her heavenly comfort gives;
Faith stands by, her shield extending;
Love eternal whispers near,
"Child of God, no longer fear."
Source: The Lutheran Hymnary #588