1 Glory to Thee, my God, this day,
For all the mercies on my way,
Glory to Thee for strength renewed,
For ev’ry thought by Thee imbued.
2 Be near me, Lord, when I am weak,
Be near, and let me hear Thee speak,
Restrain me, Lord, when I am strong,
For Thy name’s sake bear me along.
3 Hold Thou my hands that they may move
In work which Thou wouldst have me love;
keep Thou my feet, cause them to run
In paths wherein Thy will is done.
4 Supply my need, be Thou my store,
My treasure and by boundless lore;
Teach me to us Thy gifts, Thy grace,
And ever see Thy holy Face.
5 Shine on me, Lord, that I may shine,
And walk with Thee in Light Divine;
Thy blessèd cleansing be on me,
That all I do for Christ may be.
6 No longer mine but Thine to talk,
Or act, or think; so let me walk
From day to day, my God, with Thee,
That “Christ be magnified in me.”
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #376