1. Glorious God, accept a heart
That pants to sing Thy praise!
Thou without beginning art,
And without end of days:
Thou, a Spirit invisible,
Dost to none Thy fullness show;
None Thy majesty can tell,
Or all Thy Godhead know.
2. All Thine attributes we own,
Thy wisdom, power, and might;
Happy in Thyself alone,
In goodness infinite,
Thou Thy goodness hast displayed,
On Thine every work impressed;
Lov’st whate’er Thy hands have made,
But man Thou lov’st the best.
3. Willing Thou that all should know
Thy saving truth, and live,
Dost to each, or bliss or woe,
With strictest justice give:
Thou with perfect righteousness
Renderest every man his due;
Faithful in Thy promises,
And in Thy threatenings, too.
4. Thou art merciful to all
Who truly turn to Thee;
Hear me then for pardon call,
And show Thy grace to me;
Me, through mercy reconciled,
Me, for Jesus’ sake forgiv’n,
Me receive, Thy favored child
To sing Thy praise in Heav’n.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #1831