1 Glorious gath'ring of the ransomed!
Saints redeem'd and clothed in white!
O what grace that I, a rebel,
Should rejoice with you in light!
What a gath'ring
What a gath'ring!
O how lovely is the sight!
What a gath'ring
What a gath'ring!
O how lovely is the sight!
2 Glorious gath'ring of the ransomed!
Sin forever put away!
How they praise their great Redeemer!
How they sing and preach and pray!
What a season!
What a season!
Blessed blessed gospel day!
What a season!
What a season!
Blessed blessed gospel day!
3 Glorious gath'ring of the ransomed!
Jesus standing them among,
Ev'ry heart in love inspiring
Unto ceaseless pray'r and song!
Shout ye ransomed!
Shout ye ransomed!
Roll the praise of God along!
Shout ye ransomed!
Shout ye ransomed!
Roll the praise of God along!
What a gath'ring!
What a gath'ring!
O how lovely is the sight!
What a gath'ring!
What a gath'ring!
O how lovely is the sight!
Source: His Fullness Songs #332