A Song of Creation

Glorify the Lord, all you works of the Lord

Published in 11 hymnals

Representative Text

1. Glorify the Lord, all you works of the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

2. In the firmament of his power, glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

3. Glorify the Lord, you angels
and all powers of the Lord,
O heavens and all waters above the heavens.

4. Sun and moon and stars of the sky,
glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

5. Glorify the Lord,
every shower of rain and fall of dew,
all winds and fire and heat.

6. Winter and summer, glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

7. Glorify the Lord, O chill and cold,
drops of dew and flakes of snow.

8. Frost and cold, ice and sleet,
glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

9. Glorify the Lord, O nights and days,
O shining light and enfolding dark.

10. Storm clouds and thunderbolts,
glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

11. Let the earth glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

12. Glorify the Lord, O mountains and hills,
and all that grows upon the earth,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

13. Glorify the Lord, O springs of water
seas and streams,
O whales and all that move in the waters.

14. All birds of the air, glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

15. Glorify the Lord, O beast of the wild,
and all you flocks and herds.

16. O men and women everywhere,
glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

17. Let the people of God glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

18. Glorify the Lord,
O priest and servants of the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

19. Glorify the Lord,
O spirits and souls of the righteous,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

20. You that are holy and humble of heart,
glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

21. Let us glorify the Lord:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

22. In the firmament of his power,
glorify the Lord,
praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

Text Information

First Line: Glorify the Lord, all you works of the Lord
Title: A Song of Creation
Latin Title: Benedicite, omnia opera Domini
Publication Date: 1982
Copyright: This text may still be under copyright because it was published in 1982.


Instances (1 - 11 of 11)

The Hymnal 1982 #S228

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The Hymnal 1982 #S229a

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The Hymnal 1982 #S229b

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The Hymnal 1982 #S229c

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The Hymnal 1982 #S229d

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The Hymnal 1982 #S229e

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The Hymnal 1982 #S230a

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The Hymnal 1982 #S230d

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The Hymnal 1982 #S230b

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The Hymnal 1982 #S230c

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The Hymnal 1982 #S230e

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