1 Gladly I take Thy love’s advice,
While without money, without price,
I come Thy grace to buy,
Faith as the golden bullion pure,
Which can the fiery test endure,
And all my wants supply.
2 I come to buy that richest dress,
The saints’ unspotted holiness,
The covering from above;
To swallow up my sinful shame,
Whate’er I have, whate’er I am,
In purity of love.
3 All things that I may clearly see,
The Spirit which proceeds from Thee,
The unction I implore:
O might I now the blessing gain,
The sight of Thee my Lord obtain,
And never lose it more.
4 Jesus, Thy promised Spir’t impart,
To cure the blindness of my heart,
Mine unbelief to chase,
That I Thine open face may see,
And spend a blest eternity
In ecstasies of praise.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7738