1 Glad songs of redemption today we sing,
A tribute of praise to our Lord and King;
Thro’ infinite love, He came from above,
Salvation and blessing to bring.
Glad songs of redemption today we sing,
The story of Jesus our Saviour—King;
Whose name is exalted on earth and above,
We worship and praise Him for His love.
2 Glad songs of redemption the world shall hear,
A message of mercy sad hearts to cheer;
Christ died and He lives, full pardon He gives,
To Him sin-sick souls may draw near. [Chorus]
3 Glad songs of redemption ring out today,
Go tell the glad tidings along life’s way;
Your sweet notes of praise to Jesus now raise,
Whose love has redeemed you for aye. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #79