1 Give your heart to God, and then go forward, forward,
Give your heart to God, and then go forward to the goal.
Go to Him in pray’r, and then go forward, forward,
Go to Him in pray’r, and then go forward to the goal.
Forward is the watchword; see the hosts advance,
Buckle on the armor, take the sword and lance;
Jesus is your Captain, He who loves your soul;
Step into the ranks, and then go forward to the goal.
2 Tell Him you believe, and then go forward, forward,
Tell Him you believe, and then go forward to the goal.
Place your hand in His, and then go forward, forward,
Place your hand in His, and then go forward to the goal. [Refrain]
3 Trust His promises, and then go forward, forward,
Trust His promises, and then go forward to the goal.
Take the sword of faith, and then go forward, forward,
Take the sword of faith, and then go forward to the goal. [Refrain]
Source: Make Christ King: a selection of high class gospel music for use in general worship and special evangelistic meetings #36