Scripture References:
st. 1 = Matt. 6:11, Luke 11:3
st. 2 = John 6:35
Beginning with the fourth petition of the Lord's Prayer (Matt. 6:11; Luke 11:3), "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" asks God to meet our daily needs and moves quickly to ask that God help us share from our abundance with "a world in need" (st. 1). The text makes clear that our sharing must involve not only daily needs but also the message and example of Christ's love, as we are loved. The text swings full circle by returning to the image of bread (from John 6)-Christ is the "living bread" (st. 2) who feeds the hungry multitudes.
At the request of the Psalter Hymnal Revision Committee, Helen Otte (PHH 17) wrote this text in 1986 for the tune BARBARA, a well-known setting for a text on the same theme: Grace N. Crowell's "Because I Have Been Given Much."
Liturgical Use:
A splendid offertory hymn (st. 1 and 2 also make a fine choral response at the offertory, but do not overuse); also useful in conjunction with stewardship themes.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook