1 Give thy life in youth to Jesus,
Give it now!
While life’s sun is brightly shining
On thy brow;
Come, and on His truth relying,
All His love and grace descrying,
At the cross where Christ hangs dying
Humbly bow.
2 Wait not till the shadows lengthen
O’er the plain,
And the world’s allurements strengthen,
To thy pain;
Seek not wealth, an idle story,
Seek not fame, its paths are gory,
Seek the Lord; with Him in glory
Thou shalt reign.
3 Fill with blessing unto others
All thy days,
And by aiding fallen brothers
Give God praise.
Heav’n shall come, its joys unending,
With thy earth-life sweetly blending,
And angelic hosts descending
Guard thy ways.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10077