Give thanks to the Lord and bless His name,
Give thanks, give thanks,
Give thanks to the Lord and bless His name,
Give thanks, give thanks,
Give thanks to the Lord and bless His name,
And bless ye His holy name.
|: He sendeth the rain in the early spring-time,
The south wind comes forth at His sov’reign call,
The summer is white with its fields of harvest,
And autumn comes with bountiful store for all. :|
Give thanks to the Lord and bless His name,
Give thanks, give thanks,
Give thanks to the Lord, give thanks to the Lord
And bless ye His holy name,
Give thanks to the Lord, give thanks,
Give thanks to the Lord, give thanks.
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #92