1 Gentle star of Bethlehem!
Guided by thy light I go;
Lead me by thy lambent flame:
Show the infant Jesus, show!
Star! above all other stars outvying,
Shine upon His place of rest,
Humbly in a manger lying,
On His virgin mother’s breast.
2 There He sleeps, the great, the lowly,
Heav’n’s incarnate, earth’s desire;
Gather round Him, angels holy,
Bow before Him, son and sire.
Eastern sages come and meet;
Bend in awe which dares not stir;
Pour your offerings at His feet,
Gold and frankincense and myrrh!
3 Shepherds, keeping watch by night,
Still "abiding in the field,"
See! an angel clothed in light,
All in majesty revealed.
Hark! the heavenly message sounding,
Joyful tidings every word;
Go! with hearts in gladness bounding,
Go and worship Christ the Lord!
4 Earth! earth! earth! with Heaven uniting,
Shout the triumphs of the day!
Men with angels, join inviting
Love’s own hallelujah’s lay!
Angels fill the upper sky,
Mortals swell the glowing strain—
"Glory be to God on high
Peace on earth, good will to men!"
5 Holy Jesus, in Thy meekness,
Stooping from Thy throne divine,
Power brought down to human weakness;
Might and majesty are Thine!
Babe of Bethl’em, we adore Thee!
All mankind in Thee shall trust,
All earth’s millions bow before Thee,
And Thy foes shall lick the dust!
6 Hail! incarnate Savior, hail!
God and man—the living Word;
By Thy might Thou shalt prevail,
Bethle’m’s babe is David’s Lord.
Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh,
Ride in glory and renown.
Conquering Jesus! God most high!
Wear the universal crown!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12405