1. Full of rev'rence at Thy Word,
Lord, I near Thy hallowed board,
Mindful of Thy latest breath,
And Thy sacrificial death.
Mediator, Who for me
Diedst from wrath to set me free,
May I as Thy worthy guest
By this feast of life be blest.
2. As a sinful castaway,
This is all my trust and stay,
That Thy blood and righteousness
Robes me in a spotless dress,
Fits me as a saint to meet
God before the judgment seat:
God is reconciled to me--
Hid, O spotless Lamb, in Thee.
3. Tho' my sins have caused me grief,
This assurance gives relief;
Other helpers there are none,
Lord, I cleave to Thee alone;
Hence I come, my Savior true,
Thy remembrance to renew
And to testify again
To Thy love--for sinners slain.
4. May I not, to my great loss,
Coldly stand beneath the cross,
Unto judgment never take
What Thou offeredst for my sake!
Bread of life! here strengthen me
By Thy life to live in Thee,
And Thy blood renew my will,
Thine alone, Lord, to fulfill. A-men.
5 Hold Thou ever firm in me,
Till I pass from strife to Thee,
This my purpose, to endure
In Thy service, and keep pure;
Lord, I tremble now with dread,
Lest again I faltering tread
Weakly into lurking sin;
Still its might I feel within.
6 When in its seductive way
It would lead my heart astray,
Help me God, with bated breath,
Look on Jesus' bitter death!
While I see Thy thorn-crowned head
Bow beneath God's judgment dread,
Let me not through sin despise,
Lamb of God, Thy sacrifice.
7 Should, alas, I err from Thee,
Constant Savior, seek Thou me;
Show wherein I have done wrong;
In my weakness, be Thou strong.
All my faults and failings bear,
Keep me wholly in Thy care;
And when I bewail my sin,
Grant me, Lord, Thy grace again.
8 Lord, Thy wayward sheep behold,
Keep me safely in Thy fold;
Help me show Thy saving death
In the power of living faith,
And to shun each sinful joy
As a poisonous alloy,
That eternally above
I may praise Thy matchless love!
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #44