1 From the cross the blood is falling,
And to us a voice is calling,
Like a trumpet silver-clear.
’Tis the voice announcing pardon,
It is finished is its burden,
Pardon to the far and near.
2 Peace that precious blood is sealing,
All our wounds for ever healing,
And removing every load;
Words of peace that voice has spoken,
Peace that shall no more be broken,
Peace between the soul and God.
3 Love its fullness there unfolding,
Stand we here in joy beholding,
To the exiled sons of men;
Love the gladness past all naming,
Of an open Heaven proclaiming,
Love that bids us enter in.
4 God is love—we read the writing
Traced so deeply in the smiting
Of the glorious Surety there.
God is light—we see it beaming
Like a heavenly dayspring gleaming
So divinely sweet and fair.
5 Cross of shame, yet tree of glory,
Round thee winds the one great story
Of this ever-changing earth;
Center of the true and holy,
Grave of human sin and folly,
Womb of nature’s second birth.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11256