1 From Egypt’s cruel bondage fled,
Obedient to our Lord’s command,
And by His word and spirit led,
We’re on the way to Canaan’s land!
We’re on the way, a pilgrim band;
We’re on the way to Canaan’s land;
Divinely guided day by day,
We’re on the way, we’re on the way.
2 Thro’ wildernesses wide and drear,
Our Lord will guide our steps aright,
Behold! to prove His presence here,
The cloud by day, the fire by night! [Refrain]
3 His pow’r the smitten rock controls,
A crystal stream our need supplies,
He feeds our hungry, fainting souls
With daily manna from the skies! [Refrain]
4 In hostile lands we feel no fear;
No foe our onward march can stay;
In ev’ry conflict He is near,
Whose presence cheers us on the way. [Refrain]
5 Ere long, the river cross’d, we’ll meet
The ransom’d host at His right hand;
And there receive a welcome sweet,
From our dear Lord to Canaan’s land! [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 4 #179