1. From church to church the bells’ glad tidings run:
A virgin hath conceived, and borne a Son
In Bethlehem.
2. And angel hosts, the midnight of His birth,
Sang Glory be to God, and peace on earth,
In Bethlehem.
3. Now go we forth, and see this wondrous thing,
The shepherds said, and seek the newborn King
In Bethlehem.
4. Then Herod sought the royal Son to slay,
Who rather should have to come to kneel and pray
In Bethlehem.
5. The star went leading on from east to west:
The wise men followed, till they saw it rest
In Bethlehem.
6. Their frankincense and myrrh, and gold they bring,
To hail the God, the Mortal, and the King
In Bethlehem.
7. With threefold gifts the Threefold God three praise,
Who thus vouchsafed the sons of man raise,
In Bethlehem.