21. From ancient Times I have declar'd,
I am the Lord alone;
A righteous Lord, thy Saviour God,
Besides me there is none.
22. Then look to me, ye burden'd Souls,
From ev'ry distant Land;
And cordially receive, with Joy,
Salvation at my Hand.
23. I by my self have sworn, my Words
Both true, and righteous are;
That ev'ry Knee to me shall bow,
And ev'ry Tongue shall sware.
24. Sure, Men shall say, we, in the Lord,
Have Strength and Righteousness;
And to him come; but all his Foes
Shall endless Shame oppress.
25. In Thee, Jehovah, Isr'el's Seed
Shall all be justify'd;
In Thee, shall triumph, while on Earth,
In Heav'n be glorify'd.
Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: Fitted to the Tunes Used in the Churches, With Several Hymns Out of the Old, and New, Testament #270