1 Freely, freely, God hath bless'd thee,
Ev'ry morn with mercies new;
Tokens of his grace surround thee,
Fresh as ev'nings cooling dew.
Freely give, freely give!
Share the joys that fill thy breast!
Like thy Father be in heaven,
Always giving of thy best.
2 Bear ye one another's burdens,
Give support unto the weak;
And in season to the weary
Words of comfort kindly speak. [Chorus]
3 E'en the fragile little blossoms
Yield their brimming cups of dew;
O'er the fields we teach this lesson,
Let us head its import true: [Chorus]
4 Give to all who need thy favor,
Turn none empty from thy door;
God will then increase thy measure,
Blessing thee yet more and more [Chorus]
Source: Spirit and Life No. 2: a collection of new songs for the Sunday school, young people's societies, gospel and devotional meetings, etc., etc. #59