1 Free from all bondage now and forever,
Free from the guilt of conscience defiled,
Washed in the blood of Jesus my Savior,
Sanctified wholly, I am His child.
Sanctified wholly, body and spirit,
One with my Lord who freely loved me,
Washed in His blood and saved by His merit,
Jesus, who once for my sins died on the tree.
2 For our salvation coming from heaven,
Bearing the cross, despising the shame,
Gifts unto men our Savior hath given—
I am redeemed, all praise to His name! [Chorus]
3 Christ is my wisdom, righteousness, power,
Seated above, all grace to bestow;
Christ is my rock, my fortress, my tower;
Glory to Him who loveth me so! [Chorus]
4 Changed by His grace—O wonderful story!
Living His life, God’s image I bear
Till I shall see Him, see Him in glory;
Then will all saints His kingdom to share. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #27