1 Fountain of life, who gavest us breath,
Eternal Sire, by all adored;
Who makest us conquerors over death,
Through Jesus, our victorious Lord,
2 We give thee thanks, we sing thy praise,
For calling thus thy children home;
And shortening tribulation days
To hide them in the peaceful tomb.
3 Jesus, confiding in thy name,
Thou King of saints, thy body’s Head,
We give to earth the breathless frame,
Remembering thou thyself wast dead.
4 Thine was a bitter death indeed,
Thou harmless, suffering Lamb of God!
Thou hast from hell thy people freed,
And drowned destruction in thy blood.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #844