1 “Forward to battle!” hear now the call—
Some, fainter-hearted, backward fall,
Stay not to question,—here lies the way,
We’ve naught to do but obey.
Onward! Onward! ever pressing onward—
Bearing high our standard thro’ the thickest fight—
Onward! onward! ever pressing onward,
Till in triumph we shall stand in heave’n’s glorious light.
2 Stern is the conflict, yet we shall win,—
Tho’ for our foes we’ve death and sin,
Close by our side stands Jesus, our Lord,
We may rely on His word. [Refrain]
3 Soon ‘twill be o’er, the victory ours,
Tho’ now the front of battle lowers,
Trust we our Leader,—He’ll help us thro’,
He’s ever strong and true. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Sovereign Grace #153