1 Forward into battle, ye mighty hosts of God,
The Holy Ghost will lead you in the fight;
With Spirit, sword and shield,
Upon the battle field,
Going forth to conquer for the right.
Froward, forward, never to settle down,
Forward, forward, ever to win the crown;
The world lies out before us,
Jesus will lead victorious,
Forward into battle till we win the crown.
2 Forward into battle, go all the world around;
Your Captain now is leading in His might;
With mighty shouts of praise
Your palms of vict’ry raise,
Bearing for the blessed gospel light. [Refrain]
3 Forward into battle, ye gallant sons of God,
The enemy must go at any cost;
With pray’rs and tears and love,
Joined by the host above,
Charge the foe with pow’r from Pentecost. [Refrain]
4 Forward into battle, go where your Captain bids;
The fight will end some day, it won’t be long;
Until we’re mustered out,
The cunning foe we’ll rout,
‘Fore we sing the victor’s final song. [Refrain]
Source: Revival Melodies #48