1 For your wise, creating Spirit,
blessing us in countless ways,
and your Living Word of mercy,
God, we offer you our praise.
From the waters of creation,
you brought forth a fertile land,
peopled it with men and women
meant to live by your command.
2 When in Noah’s time, we faltered,
you, with mercy and with love,
flooded us with tears of sorrow,
sent a rainbow and a dove.
And when we were slaves in Egypt,
each one longing to be free,
you led Moses on a pathway
through the waters of the sea.
3 When we wandered in the desert,
you showed us a flowing spring,
quenched our thirst and fed us manna,
though we doubted everything.
When, at last, we saw the Jordan.
and beyond, the Promised Land,
Joshua helped us cross the river,
guided by your faithful hand.
4 When our people walked in darkness,
you sent Light into our gloom:
Jesus, nurtured in the waters
of his mother Mary’s womb.
He was baptized in the Jordan,
he turned water into wine,
washed the feet of his disciples,
all his deeds a holy sign.
5 At the font now, God, we gather
as the friends of Jesus do,
to baptize your child beloved,
into life begun anew.
By your Spirit bless this water,
bless this child that we now name,
bless the people who are present.
May we all your love proclaim.
Source: Faith That Lets Us Sing: fifty new hymns and short worship songs #30