Yearning for the Homeland

Author: R. F. H. von Magenau

Magenau, Rudolph Friedrich Heinrich. (Markgrueningen, Germany, December 5, 1767--April 23, 1846, Hermaringen on the Brenz). Attended Kloster schools in Denkdorf and Maulbronn, Germany. Interest in writing is increased after the death of his father. His style was influenced by Schubert. His father died in 1783. He continued writing and became friends with Hoelderlin and Neuffer. In 1794 he became a pastor and served Niederstotzingen by Ulm, Germany. He served there until 1819 when he accepted a parish in Hermaringen. He served there until his death. Magenau's stories, poems, and prose can be found in Pahl's Nationalchronik. He also authored Kurze Lebensbeschreibungen merkwuerdige Maenner aus der Periode der Kirchen-Reformation, nebst 280 Ane… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: For yon homeland's peaceful stillness
Title: Yearning for the Homeland
German Title: Nach der Heimat süßer Stille
Author: R. F. H. von Magenau
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 3 of 3)

Hymns of Zion #250

Songs of Praise and Worship #30

The Apostolic Christian Hymnal #d40

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