1 For workers the Lord of the vineyard is calling,
For hearts that are willing, unselfish and strong;
So many grown idle behind now are falling,
And want to be carefully carried along.
Which are you? which are you?
Are you willing strong and true,
Are you a worker? or are you an Idler,
Which are you? tell me, which are you?
2 His plea is for those who have hearts of true measure,
Strong soul that are anxious to bitter their race;
For some who profess Him are clinging to pleasure
Thus hindering ever the pow’r of His grace. [Refrain]
3 The forces of sin are exerting their power,
And daily defiance at Jesus is hurled;
Yet some who have promised sins banner to lower
Are thoughtlessly keeping that banner unfurled. [Refrain]
4 Oh, comrades be true, let us cleave to the Master
Whose blood hath redeemed us from sin and from shame;
Each day let us labor, more willingly faster,
And never be weary of praising His name. [Refrain]
Source: Calvary's Praises #14