1 For time brings its changes, they come and they go,
Our lives with their treasures are short we know;
A blessed companion in all that we need
Is Jesus our dear, loving Saviour.
So sweeter and sweeter along life’s way,
And dearer and dearer to us each day;
Our lives He’ll control,
Speak peace to our soul
When we trust in Him.
2 He takes our sad hearts and He binds them with love,
And fills them with joy from the throne above;
He fashions and shapes us in His precious way,
O He is a dear, loving Saviour. [Refrain]
3 It’s just like this Saviour, our hearts He will cheer,
In deepest of trouble He’ll be so near;
He knows ev’ry move, ev’ry thought of the mind,
O He is a wonderful Saviour. [Refrain]
4 So then let us tell of this Saviour each day,
To some one in need, out on life’s broad way;
We find no words sweeter than those we could say
About this dear kind loving Saviour. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost No. 3 #51