1. For the dear ones parted from us
We would raise our hymns of prayer;
By the tender love which watcheth
Round Thy children everywhere,
Holy Father, Holy Father,
Keep them ever in Thy care.
2. Through each trial and temptation,
Dangers faced by night and day,
By the infinite compassion
Pleading for souls that stray,
Loving Savior, Loving Savior,
Keep them in the narrow way.
3. In their hours of doubt and sorrow,
When their faith is sorely tried,
By the grace divine which strengthens,
Souls for whom the Savior died,
Gracious Spirit, Gracious Spirit,
Be Thou evermore their Guide.
4. In their joys, by friends surrounded,
In their strife, by foes oppressed,
May Thy blessing still be with them,
May Thy presence give them rest,
God Almighty, God Almighty,
Father, Son, and Spirit blest.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #1496