1. For Jesus, all my morning hours,
For Jesus, all my noonday pow'rs;
For Jesus, evening's gathered flow'rs,
For Jesus, all for Jesus.
2. For Jesus, all the songs I sing,
For Jesus, all the praise I bring,
For Jesus, he who bore death's sting,
My Jesus; all for Jesus.
3. For Jesus, all the gold he leads,
For Jesus, all the strength he sends,
For Jesus, heart and home and friends,
For Jesus, all for Jesus.
4. For Jesus, all who sigh in sin,
For Jesus, all that love can win,
For Jesus, King enthroned within,
Yes, all, and more, for Jesus.
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #821