89 For ever and for ever, Lord,
Unchang'd thou dost remain;
Thy word establish'd in the heav'ns,
Does all their orbs sustain.
90 Through circling ages, Lord, thy truth,
Immoveable shall stand,
As doth the earth, which thou uphold'st
By thy Almighty hand.
91 All things the course by thee ordain'd
Ev'n to this day fulfil;
They are thy faithful subjects all,
And servants of thy will.
92 Unless thy sacred law had been
My comfort and delight,
I must have fainted, and expir'd
In dark affliction's night.
93 Thy precepts, therefore, from my thoughts,
Shall never, Lord, depart;
For thou by them hast to new life
Restor'd my dying heart.
94 As I am thine, entirely thine,
Protect me, Lord, from harm,
Who have thy precepts sought to know,
And carefully perform.
95 The wicked have their ambuish laid
My guiltless life to take;
But in the midst of danger I
Thy word my study make.
96 I've seen an end of what we all
Perfections here below;
But thy commandments, like thyself,
No change or period know.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #P.CXIX.Lamed