1. Filled with the Spirit! oh, marvelous gift!
Filled with the Spirit! oh, blessed uplift!
Filled with his presence, my Saviour I see,
See him as never before seen by me.
Precious Redeemer! O Jesus my all,
Gladly I give thee my life at thy call!
2. Free from all envy and free from all strife,
Filled with the Spirit, how sweet is my life!
Trials may come; nay, they do come to me,
Come like the waves of a tempest-rocked sea.
Wounded I am, yet I'm kept sweet and calm,
Finding in Jesus a precious, sure balm.
3. Claiming the promise in Jesus' dear name,
Emptied of self, and with love all aflame,
Filled with the Spirit, I walk with my Lord,
Kept by his power in sweetest accord;
Safe in his presence, secure from all ill,
Weak though I am, I can do my Lord's will.
4. Filled with the Spirit! oh, glorious feast
Promised to all; aye, even to the least!
Brought to his banqueting house by the King,
Rapturous joy to the soul he doth bring;
Glad hallelujahs and paeans of praise
Rise unto him, when we walk in his ways.
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #142