1 Fellow traveller, dost thou know
Whither now thy footsteps tend,
Carest not if weal or woe,
Waits thee at thy journey's end.
Hasten to the narrow gate,
Jesus opens there the way;
Though the upward path is straight,
Yes it leads to endless day.
2 True, thy way may smooth appear;
Easy is the downward road;
Yet the thought should rouse thy fear,
That it leads the soul from God. [Chorus]
3 Do not with the thoughtless choose,
Sins' broad way, though opening fair,
Lest thy precious soul thou lose
In the gulf of dark despair. [Chorus]
4 Tho' our feet some toil must know,
As we climb the narrow road,
Yet each upward step we go,
Brings us nearer Heaven and God. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #58