1 Fear not tho’ in darkness and danger thou art,
Look unto the cross and be saved;
The Savior is waiting to comfort thy heart,
Look unto the cross and be saved.
Look unto the cross and be saved,
Look unto the cross and be saved;
His love and His mercy are boundless and free;
Look unto the cross and be saved.
2 Remember how Jesus hath suffered for thee,
Look unto the cross and be saved;
His love and His mercy are boundless and free,
Look unto the cross and be saved. [Chorus]
3 O doubt not His promise so precious, so true,
Look unto the cross and be saved;
The Savior has purchased salvation for you,
Look unto the cross and be saved. [Chorus]
4 The Savior is longing your sins to forgive,
Look unto the cross and be saved;
Whoever believeth His promise shall live:
Look unto the cross and be saved. [Chorus]
Source: Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school #94