Father, whose love we have wronged with transgression

Father, whose love we have wronged with transgression

Author: V. S. S. Coles (1916)
Published in 2 hymnals

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Representative Text

1. Father, whose love we have wronged by transgression
Christ, who wast nailed for our sins on the tree,
Spirit, who givest the grace of repentance;
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

2. Jesu, adorable Savior of sinners,
Author of penitence, Hope of our souls,
Plentiful Fountain of grace and compassion;
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

3. Thou who didst empty Thyself of Thy glory,
Thou who Thy parents on earth didst obey,
Thou who for our sake enduredst temptation,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

4. Thou who hast shown us the love of the Father,
Meeting with mercy the prodigal son,
Sonship and home to the lost one restoring,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

5. Jesu, who once by the well to the sinner
Clearly the sins of her heart did reveal,
Leading her gently to faith and repentance,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

6. Thou who didst enter the house of Zaccheus,
Blessing his faith and accepting his love,
When for wrongdoing he made restitution,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

7. Christ, with the Twelve the last Passover keeping,
Ere on the cross the true Lamb should be slain,
Sacrifice offered for all and for ever,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

8. Jesu, alone with the blood-sweat upon Thee,
Jesu, in agony bowed to the earth,
Jesu, Thy will to the Father resigning,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

9. Jesu, from Annas to Caiaphas hurried,
Blindfolded, stricken, and falsely accused,
Rudely blasphemed, and declared a blasphemer,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

10. Jesu, denied by Thine eager Apostle,
Whom with a look Thou didst straightway recall,
Moving him straightway to tears and contrition;
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

11. Thou who wast wounded to heal our transgression,
Lifted on high to draw all men to Thee,
There on the cross in Thy majesty reigning,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

12. That Thou wouldst draw us to heartfelt contrition,
That Thou wouldst help us our sins to confess,
That Thou wouldst grant us the grace of amendment,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

13. That we may bring forth works meet for repentance,
That we give place to the devil no more,
That Thou wouldst lead us to sure perseverance,
Hear us, we pray Thee, good Lord.

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #1675

Author: V. S. S. Coles

Coles, Vincent Stuckey Stratton, son of Rev. James Stratton Coles, born at Shepton Beauchamp, March 27, 1845, and educated at Balliol College, Oxford, graduating B.A. 1868, and M.A. 1872. On taking Holy Orders in 1869, he became Curato of Wantage. In 1872 he was preferred as Rector of Shepton-Beauchamp, Somerset, and in 1884 Librarian of the Pusey Library, Oxford. Mr. Coles has contributed the following hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern, and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns. 1. Lord, in whose eternal counsels. For guidance and growth in holiness. It was first printed as a leaflet, written for E. C. U. Festival, c. 1870; and then included, after revision, in S. P. C. K. Church Hymns, 1871. 2. Most Holy Father,… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Father, whose love we have wronged with transgression
Author: V. S. S. Coles (1916)
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


The Cyber Hymnal #1675
  • Adobe Acrobat image (PDF)
  • Noteworthy Composer score (NWC)
  • XML score (XML)


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The Cyber Hymnal #1675

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