1 Father, whose everlasting love
thy only Son for sinners gave,
whose grace to all did freely move,
and sent him down the world to save;
2 Help us thy mercy to extol,
immense, unfathomed, unconfined;
to praise the Lamb who died for all,
the general Saviour of mankind.
3 Thy undistinguishing regard
was cast on Adam’s fallen race;
for all thou hast in Christ prepared
sufficient, sovereign, saving grace.
4 The world he suffered to redeem;
for all he hath th'atonement made;
for those that will not come to him
the ransom of his life was paid.
5 Arise, O God, maintain thy cause,
the fullness of the nations call;
lift up the standard of thy cross
and all shall own thou diedst for all.
Source: Common Praise: A new edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern #107
First Line: | Father, whose everlasting love |
Author: | Charles Wesley |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
Father, Whose everlasting love. Thy only Son, &c. C. Wesley. [Praise for Redemption.] Appeared in his tract Hymns on God's Everlasting Love, 1741, in 17 stanzas of 4 lines, No. i. It was afterwards reprinted in the Arminian Magazine, 1778, p. 430. Sometime after J. Wesley's death, but before 1809, stanzas i.-iii., viii., xii., and xvii., were given in the Wesleyan Hymn Book, in a slightly altered form. The cento is also found in other collections. Original text in Poetical Works, vol. iii. p. 3.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)