1 Father Supreme! all nature's God,
Display thy majesty abroad,
And in full glory shine:
To thy great name be honors paid,
Throughout all worlds which thou hast made;
Let each the chorus join.
2 Here place thy throne, and at thy feet
Make all thy stubborn foes submit,
And own thy sovereign sway;
Thine influence far and wide extend,
Till haughty rebels lowly bend,
And cheerfully obey.
3 Oh let thy perfect will be done,
Not by those heavenly hosts alone
Who're winged with love and zeal;
We too with love and zeal would rise,
To catch the ardor of the skies,
And fly to do thy will.
4 O Thou who art both wise and good,
We trust thee for our daily food,
And what thou seest is best;
Our foolish wishes, Lord, deny,
But kindly nature's wants supply;
To thee we leave the rest.
5 Teach us the needy to relieve;
Our foes to pity and forgive,
And conquer them with love:
As we to others mercy show,
Thy mercy, Lord, on us bestow,
And all our guilt remove.
6 Let thy good spirit guard our hearts,
Against the tempter's guileful arts,
And every dangerous snare;
Or if we once should go astray,
Teach us again to find the way,
And walk with better care.
7 Thy name with reverence we adore,
For thine's the glory, thine the power,
And thine the right to reign;
In thy dominion we rejoice'
To thy commands our heart and voice
Unite, and say--Amen.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799