Father of lights! from whom alone,
All good and perfect gifts descend;
To Thee our utmost wants are known,
To us Thy benefits extend.
Thy power, thy wisdom, and thy grace
Bestow'd our being, life, and breath,
Fix'd our condition, time and place,
The moment of our birth--our death.
Though poor our lot, Thou didst not leave
Thy children in their low estate,
In helpless misery to grieve,
Or frolic on the brink of fate.
Thy servants took us by the hand,
Led to the school, the church, and Thee;
Surely in Britain's chosen land,
A goodly heritage have we.
O may we know in this our day,
The things of our eternal peace!
From strength to strength pursue our way
In faith and holiness increase.
Still with long suffering, goodness, truth,
Conduct us through this vale of tears;
With loving-kindness guard our youth,
With tender mercies crown our years.
Sacred Poems and Hymns