1 Father of heaven, almighty King,
How wondrous is thy love,
That worms of dust thy praise should sing,
And thou their songs approve!
2 [Since by a new and living Way
Access to thee is given,
Poor sinners may with boldness pray,
And earth converse with heaven.]
3 Give each some token, Lord, for good,
And send the Spirit down,
To feed us with celestial food,
The body of thy Son.
4 The feast thou hast been pleased to make
We would by faith receive,
That all that come their part may take,
And all that take may live.
5 Let every tongue the Father own,
Who, when we all were lost,
To seek and save us sent the Son,
And gives the Holy Ghost.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #821