1 Father, merciful and holy,
Thee tonight I praise and bless,
Who to labor true and lowly,
Grantest ever meet success;
Many a sin and many a woe,
Many a fierce and subtle foe
Hast Thou checked that once alarmed me,
So that naught today has harmed me.
2 Now the light that nature gladdens,
And the pomp of day is gone,
And my heart is tired and saddens,
As the gloomy night comes on;
O then with Thy changeless light
Warm and cheer my heart tonight;
As the shadows round me gather,
Keep me close to Thee, my Father.
3 Lord, the daylight now has vanished,
Send Thy blessing on my sleep,
Every sin and terror banished,
Let my rest be calm and deep.
Soul and body, mind and health,
All my loved ones, house and wealth,
Friend and foe, the sick, the stranger,
Keep Thou safe from harm and danger.
4 O Thou mighty God, now hearken
To the prayer Thy child hath made;
Jesus, while the night hours darken,
Be Thou still my hope, my aid;
Holy Ghost, on Thee I call,
Friend and Comforter of all,
Hear my earnest prayer, O hear me!
Yea, Thou hearest, Thou art near me.
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #558