1 Father, loving Father,
Come to us in mercy;
Grant that in temptation we may strong and firmly stand.
May Thy spirit keep us,
Through the long night watches;
Keep us, Saviour, in Thy love, hold us in Thy hand.
When the tempter lures us,
Hear us, precious Jesus;
Saviour, keep us in Thy love,
Hold us in Thy hand.
2 Jesus, tender Shepherd,
Lead us ever upward;
Out of grief and sorrow to that fair and better land.
Make us strong and faithful,
Kind and true and helpful;
Keep us, Saviour, in Thy love, hold us in Thy hand. [Refrain]
3 Saviour, blessed Saviour,
Hear thy children praying;
Joining in the chorus with a bright winged angel band.
While the dew is falling,
We on Thee are calling;
Keep us, Saviour, in Thy love, hold us in Thy hand. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #53